Featured Artists on Redmond Records

Cabotage KSM & Jo Lene
American singer Jo Lene puts her voice in this song by Cabotage KSM from Argentina.
"Another Winter Day" is a portrait of the long winters in the city of Mar del Plata and the wait for the precious summer.
A humble guitar arrangement is combined with Jo Lene's sweet voice to shape this nostalgic piece.
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Air Queen in March
Midnight Sun by AQIM was composed after viewing the Perseids Meteor Shower and written out of a dream. Sonic texture murmured vocals, and atmosphere simultaneously blend and halt a quietly indulgent immersion.
Follow Air Queen in March on:
Website: airqueeninmarch.com
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"Escape" The Brand New Single by Kayla is a Lush Ethereal production and gives the listener over 9 minutes of Tranquil Meditation music. Singing Bowls over deep atmospheric elements building slowly and taking the listener to a warm peaceful place.
Minimal for Maximum pleasure.
Headphones recommended.
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Zen in a Nightclub
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An international collaboration project - Zen in a Nightclub was derived from the idea that it should be possible to find the mental discipline of Zen within the self anywhere - even in a nightclub - that all noise, music, sound, voice and harmonies are a dimension through which the mind can navigate and discover true inner sanctum.